Thursday, August 04, 2005

Last Days of Sleep

Well I am finally back...not that you all have missed me....but then again you may have. I had gotten so lazy about blogging. I mean I had just started and was going pretty good and then I just lost steam. I mean there were a couple of things that had occupied me, like buying a new house and expecting a know minor things like that. But now we are pretty much settled and my EDD is September 3rd so I got a few more weeks of sleep...however uncomfortable it is at this point! So anyways, I was up and I started reading a few of the blogs that I used to frequent. Then I started to feel bad about neglecting my blog even though it's not that vital to the Internet world (not yet anyways...hee hee)....and so I figured the web is pretty forgiving. So here I am crawling back with my head hanging down in shame. I also feel bad because I had just started to get into HTML and learning all of that and now I will have to start over. Oh well. Anyways, this is it for now but stay tuned for bigger and better updates especially on the baby!


Anonymous said...

hey aishbelle! my name is aashi. i was just curious to see if any one had a blog with my name and was surprised to see a pakistani woman blogging! i feel really happy and i think i really can relate to you about how we're supposed to be "demure" and spending saturday nights doing HOMEWORK. "no hanky-panky" as people say. aaargh..the horror. My dad was born in pakistan.
I just hope you will continue blogging! you have not updated for a very very long time! How is your baby? and how are you?
anyways i hope you are okay and you can continue blogging.

Aisha said...

Hi Anonymous
Glad you liked the blog...yeah i haven't updated in a while partly because I am lazy and partly because I am so busy with my 6 month old! But I will be updating soon so keep checking!! Thanks!!